
As a fan of the nova festa, I reckoned the (Sarum) feast of the Visitation was an appropriate time to post some significant career news. (I wasn’t going to wait until the Transfiguration.)

This autumn I will be joining the Centre for the Arts in Society and the Faculty of Humanities at Leiden University where I will be teaching medieval English language and literature. I am, of course, beyond excited. My courses—all classed under ‘Philology’!—will cover Old and Middle English, medieval literature of England and beyond, and the history of the English language. The position, which is slated for three years, was created to cover for fellow Canadian Krista Murchison, who will be pursuing her fantastic project, ‘Righting and Rewriting History: Recovering and Analyzing Manuscript Archives Destroyed During World War II.’ I will be teaching alongside Thijs Porck, who until now I have only known through Twitter, journal-related correspondence, and Tolkien matters.

Leiden is home to Neophilologus, where I published my very first article. Rolf Bremmer, who has since retired but I know is still very much present and active, is also one of the great attendees at the Wednesday night at Waldo’s tradition at Kalamazoo.

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Leiden, squeezed between Amsterdam and The Hague, has it all